Welcome to my website and my shop My name is Martina Vorholt, I was born in 1962 and live in Moers. I am married to the best man in the world and I also have a grown-up son. Besides my office job, I am always looking for balance in creative areas. At some point I bought a Hermès® silk scarf, but never wore it. Then I thought about what else I could do with it. I cut up the scarf and made samples until I had the perfect bracelet. The first silk scarf almost completely ended up in the trash. Today I regularly buy new silk scarves in the Hermès® shops in the big cities. Every city often has a different selection, sometimes older models, sometimes the newest. I just have to like it and the colors and patterns have to be suitable for my silk bracelets. You can find more photos of my silk bracelets on Instagram: miss.seidenfein. The brand name Hermes® is protected by copyright/trademark law, the property of the rights holder and is only mentioned because it is part of the description. My silk bracelets have design protection from the German Patent and Trademark Office. And now have fun browsing. Best wishes, Martina Vorholt